The effects of feedback and reflection on the questioning style of untrained interviewers in simulated child sexual abuse interviews Krause, Pompedda, Antfolk, Zappala & Santtila Read the article here. 20 January 2020
The associations between abuse characteristics in child sexual abuse: a meta-analysis Ventus, Antfolk & Salo Read the article here.
A Bayesian decision-support tool for child sexual abuse assessment and investigation Tadei, Pensar, Corander, Finnilä, Santtila & Antfolk Read the article here.
A combination of outcome and process feedback enhances performance in simulations of child sexual abuse interviews using avatars Pompedda, Antfolk, Zappala & Santtila Read the article here.
Using offender crime scene behavior to link stranger sexual assaults: A comparison of three statistical approaches Tonkin Read the article here.
The effect of training on investigative interviewers’ attitudes and beliefs related to child sexual abuse Lahtinen, Korkman, Laitila & Mehtätalo Read the article here.
Children’s disclosure of sexual abuse in a population-based sample Lahtinen, Laitila, Korkman & Ellonen Read the article here.