The effect of sex and perpetrator-victim relationship on perception of domestic homicide Karlsson, Malén, Kaakinen & Antfolk Read the article here. 21 January 2020
What affects insest aversion? Kresanov, Kotler, Seto, Lieberman, Santtila & Antfolk Read the article here.
Linking serial sexual offences: Moving towards an ecologically valid test of the principles of crime linkage Woodhams Read the article here.
Applying a research-based assessment model to sexual abuse investigations: model and case descriptions of an expert center Laajasalo, Korkman, Pakkanen, Oksanen, Lampenius, Peltomaa, Aronen Read the article here.
The prevalence of unfounded suspicions of child sexual abuse in Finland Korkman, Antfolk, Fagerlund & Santtila Read the article here.