Žukauskienė, Rita & Bakaitytė, Aistė & Kaniušonytė, Goda & Segal, Aleksandr & Ustinavičiūtė, Laura & Santtila, Pekka Read the article in full on ResearchGate.
7 April 2024LEPÅ was founded in 2013 by professor Pekka Santtila at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland, and is today led by Drs Jan Antfolk and Julia Korkman. The group conducts theoretically driven empirical research applicable to the legal system. LEPÅ also has a broad network of contacts including practitioners and other researchers in Finland as well as international scientific networks.
AI avatar tells you what happened: The first test of using AI-operated children in simulated interviews to train investigative interviewers
Shumpei Haginoya, Tatsuro Ibe, Shota Yamamoto, Naruyo Yoshimoto, Hazuki Mizushi & Pekka Santtila Read the article in full on ResearchGate.
The Effects of Emotions on the Assessment of Child Sexual Abuse Interviews
Segal, Aleksandr & Kaniušonytė, Goda & Bakaitytė, Aistė & Žukauskienė, Rita & Santtila, Pekka Read the article in full on ResearchGate.
Transfer of Avatar Training Effects to Investigative Field Interviews of Children Conducted by Police Officers
Kristjan Kask, Francesco Pompedda, Annegrete Palu, Karolyn Schiff, Mari-Liis Mägi & Pekka Santtila Read the article in full on ResearchGate.
LEPÅ in media
Could you correctly identify someone wearing sunglasses from a distance of 20 meters?
Åbo Akademi has published a press release regarding the results of the Masked Villain study. The study is made by LePÅ researchers in collaboration with the Finnish Science Centre Heureka. Read the press release here. The press release is also avaiable in Swedish and Finnish.
14 October 2023Tutkimus: Aurinkolasit, valaistus ja etäisyys haittaavat silminnäkijähavaintojen luotettavuutta
Lue Ylen artikkeli The Masked Villain -tutkimuksesta täältä.
Myyrmäen postimurhaan liittyy niin yllättävä käänne, että murhatutkijakin hämmästyi
Tom Pakkanen kommentoi Myyrmäen postimurhaa Iltalehden artikkelissa. Lue artikkeli täältä.
27 August 2023Ulrikasborgfallet: Så här görs sinnesundersökning av en psykiater
Tom Pakkanen kommenterade Ulrikaborgfallet. Läs Huvudstadsbladets artikel här.