Doctoral dissertations
Tom Pakkanen. (2021). Behavioural Crime Linking in Serial Homicide: Towards Practical Application.
Thomas J. Nyman. (2020). Witnessing an Unfamiliar Person: The Effects of Distance, Lightning, Age, Line-up type, and Line-up Position on Eyewitness Accuracy.
Alessandro Tadei. (2020). FICSA: The Finnish Investigative Instrument of Child Sexual Abuse. Machine Learning Applied to Criminal Investigation.
Patrizia Pezzoli. (2019). Genetic Vulnerability to Patterns of Interpersonal Victimization and Associated Psychiatric Comorbidity.
Francesco Pompedda. (2018). Training in Investigative Interviews of Children: Serious Gaming Paired with Feedback Improves Interview Quality.
Angelo Zappalà. (2016). Separating Deviant and Non-Deviant Sexual Preferences with a Dual-Target Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Task.
Jan Antfolk. (2014). Incest Aversion: The Evolutionary Roots of Individual Regulation.
Julia Korkman. (2006). How (not) to Interview Children. Interviews with Young Children in Sexual Abuse Investigations in Finland.